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Writer, poet, dramatist and actor with a passion for performing!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Life (The Reincarnation)

This is the reincarnation of the Levites
God opened up my womb kaboom with a dynamite
I am so grateful that you bled and you died, as it is not by my will it all depends on Your might
As i walk my faith not fantasy, trusting in things that I can't even comprehend and that which is not even in my sight
I know in my heart everything is going to be alright
As the high priest come with a message tonight
To break every chain and remove every blight
May my feet run and never get weary and it's time for this eagle to take flight
In the mean time I ask for the strength and the patience to deal with these Israelites
and in between time protect me from these Ammonites that thirst for my life
They've got a thousand flaming arrows aiming at my heart as my soul they want to smite
Save me from these hypocrites and parasites, these modern days pharisees and scribes
Dash some fire on these crooks in suits that persecute me because I want to live right
I rather live life on my knees, than walk abundantly in the wickedness of this world that can easily make me back slide

As no man could control my destiny, God alone is my inspiration and my guide
I can't afford therapy so all I can do is write
And iZaki is comfortable with her simple village life
As i rather be a scholar in the dark than a fool in these bright lights
I rather starve to death, than from their stinking rotten apple take my last bite
As in due season all fruits shall ripe
But they are shaking the branches as soon as they spot a flower in sight
They are corrupting the seed, before it could really blossom and produce this thing call life
How do I let the world know God is for us?!
If we just trust HIM we would actually live and not just survive
That there is death in Adam but life in Christ, and you need to stop screaming yolo yolo you only live once as on the 3 day he rose
I wish I could comfort every broken heart, dry the tears from every bloody eye
Strum on my guitar strings and serenade every wounded soul, and reassure them that there is more to life
I forever walk in the spirit, sticking my chest out as all that is slack in time I would make tight
This is the reincarnation ....
This is life!