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Writer, poet, dramatist and actor with a passion for performing!

Monday 3 October 2011

Streets are Talking

I wear my heart on my sleeve, for it will hurt when you leave
It will feel like I am losing my soul but I cannot guarantee you that I will grieve
Even with a slit wrist, I refuse to bleed
Clutching my chest as I struggle to breathe
Death sounds good right now but I am ready to lead
Enslaved by my own thoughts as every line that your read is only my silent voice screaming to be free
Similar to a raging sea, reluctantly I agree to cast all your burdens on me
As the hero needs saving and the streets are saying that it could be my rock and my shield

When one have nothing but pipe water to drink, these streets could steal your sanity;
In the hot sun, bareback, conducting your own form of ministry
As the streets are saying that I am your poster child and you could live vicariously through me
So you adorn yourself with silver and gold, giving yourself a false sense of hope,
That you could find comfort in a piece of jewelry
As men become lovers of themselves, should not surprise me
As this is only a glimpse of the fulfillment of prophecy

No longer bright eyes and brushy tailed, these babies have no sense of direction
Their daddies are young and immature, having no formal education
Their mother abortion lacks information
Now, they are weeping and mourning, as their lives are in a bleak situation
No body to show them wrong from right
Dwelling on the thought, that it is the size of the fight that would hold them tight
Hustle sun up, sun down, without an end in sight
Until you get killed by your own ambition
As the streets are saying, “He was a good boy, they do not have any right to end his life.”

To many girls my age, operating like they have an extra heat and inner rage
What would  you to make a someone treat you like something in a cage
Things like this, really do hurt my heart,
No one have respect for females and their body parts
Most preach the path, but do not walk the path,
Fascinated by the ice, that it beings to run their life; but in this life,
There are no room for mistakes
Black supposed to be beautiful?
Then why, inject your face? Change your face? And cling to those that claim to keep the faith

The things they proclaim are so weak, sex without condoms
You are going to get what you meet, it have something call AIDS
The new pandemic and the new plague
It worse than the ten in the biblical days
So I need you to stop and think and change your ways
As it do not matter what the streets are saying, you would be easily destroyed in your rein

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