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Writer, poet, dramatist and actor with a passion for performing!

Monday 10 October 2011

Life is not like ice cream

I once read a poem written by my ex-boyfriend; and he used this line “Love is not about cake and ice cream!” I don’t know why I still remember this one line lol. It was only when someone mentioned to me that one of my monologues was a bit too real that I remembered it and I applied it to life. I remembered how he had explained to me that fairy tale love didn't exist in reality, that’s what his phrase meant.

I told you that to say this. The other night one of my good friends and I were chatting on the phone and during the conversation they said “Zaki I was on ya fan page today, listening to some of ya monologues and hear nah I doh like ‘Nobody wants to play with me’ inno.” I politely asked them why and eagerly waited on their reply. Their response shocked me, as they claimed that particular piece was too raw, to sorrowful, to real! I listened how ‘they doh like them kinda vibes’ and it almost made them cry. It was then I said “Life is not like ice cream inno and people doh like to face reality!” and decided I should blog about it.

When we are young we women are subliminally thought to wait our Prince Charming to awaken us from our sleep and make us their Princess or that our Knight in Shining Amor would make everything ok. Those with the power have convinced us that life is like a double fudge sundae with a cherry on top and we could always get a refill. And it’s ok to live with seven men in a little cottage somewhere in the brush as forbidden love is acceptable. But what happens when those seven men turn around and violate you as a young lady? Where is the fairy God mother when they take your innocence and physically assault you? Would a knight in shining armor make a HIV positive lady their mistress? Could a junkie or fiend sleep on silk sheets or even step foot into a castle?

They never thought us how to fight back (dependent never independent), how to deal with hurt, anger and rejection. They never thought us about hope, how to endure, how to be patient, persistent humble and obedient. That in times of anguish and pain we should put not our trust in man as we are naturally corrupt and evil, but that we should turn the incorruptible to God who hand is not shortened to help us.

As I write, I just saw on my twitter feed that a 14 year old committed suicide by hanging himself, I can’t help but grieve in my spirit for him and the other tormented souls that would be in eternal damnation.

As long as I have life in my monologues I would be raw and uncut!

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