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Writer, poet, dramatist and actor with a passion for performing!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Jehovah Jireh (The Lord shall provide I shall not be in want!)

Hello and Greetings,

I hope this blog meets you in good spirits if not you better hug ya self and know that you're loved!!! :p It's 2:13 in the am and I am very much awake! Just ended a very interesting BB conversation that give me an epiphany (no it didn't inspired this blog lol ). So what did... Why can't I sleep??!!


I hate uncertainty ...it irks me... Lol! To me let your yes be yes and your no be no... Don't give me a ‘maybe’. I was given a 'maybe' a few weeks ago and I brought those emotions that were attached to that 'maybe’ into the New Year.

It's not a life and death' maybe'… Well depends how you look at it, it could be considered one! In short I should be worried about that 'maybe!' Lol There is something about not knowing and being unsure scares me! iZaki who claims to be a 'fearless' being still gets paranoid when I am unsure how something would end! Why should I be??!! Life is uncertain ... It never turns out the way you plan anyway!!!

Then again the earth's is the Lord's and the fullness thereof... Nothing bigger than God! Why should I be fearful when HE is GOD and I am his child? He's ordered my steps and knows the secrets of my heart! Before my inception he had already shaped my destiny. HE is in control, HE is omnipresent and omnipotent, an incorruptible and unchanging God! The same God of Moses Abraham and Elijah is the same God of iZaki. He created us to be fearless... For we are 'fearfully and wonderfully made', so comforting :)

I said to myself... 'Self have you ever observed the beast of the field and the fowls of the air?!' Self responded 'well duh Kiya ... What you think?!! Then it clicked ...we are HIS most important creation and if God feeds the birds of the air and beast of the fields, then his hands are not shortened that they can't feed us! I am sure a bird never worries where it next meal is coming from.

A bird doesn’t have a spirit of uncertainty. We need to adopt a 'bird mentality’ (not the meaning bird have taken in Trini dialect eh *rolls eyes*). If we were all to walk by faith and believe it shall be done for his name sake then more energy could be focus on 'other stuff. I don't have much to share on this topic but all I know is that if we pattern our lives after a bird (Trust God) we will survive by 'having faith' for a lack of a term that, Jehovah Jireh, The Lord would provide, I shall not be in want!

Be strong and of good courage. 
Better Days are coming.


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