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Writer, poet, dramatist and actor with a passion for performing!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Determination is a hell of a thing!


Hope this blog reaches everyone in cheerful spirits and if not ya better cheer up before I bite ya! :)

I’m sitting here behind my desk waiting on some people to do something and they moving like ya know .. We have whole day! Lol Anyway sitting here alone with thy thoughts my mind started to drift. (This happens a lot ... Lol ). Randomly I began to think about my younger days... Growing up in 'country' and how I loved to climb trees and kick ball. Ahh the sweet memories of football!! It was indubitably my first love and at a point I saw myself ‘playing football’ for a living. Mummy invested and I was to be a 'great footballer!' Lol

Firstly let me say for years I was the only girl that played on my team; I trained as hard as the other boys (I had to train hard to make uniform lol) and played even harder when we had games! (I had to play hard as I wanted to play in the next match lol I was the only girl yo!). I always loved attention (shameless face) and worked hard to be a forward! However my coach would always place me at midfield! Of course I was angry but being humble since in my childhood days, I would play the position and not fuss!

When he drafted me to a girl team I was convinced that I would be a forward! I mean after all I was 'very tough!' I believe football had a lot to do with "misplaced" rage and "toughness" Lol. (Wonder where I going ent? Lol keep reading you'll be enlightened). In time I would realize football is a lot about discipline and intelligence. So here I was for the first time 'training' and 'playing' with ‘my kind’. Positions were being handed out and lo and behold I was given the left winger position. Oh boy I was angry! I wanted to 'strike' dammit! Lol

Long story short I never got a striker role and stayed at the back to help with the defense and carry the ball forward. After every game I was praised for my defensive work on the field as my coach would occasionally say to the club managers “Zaki doh give up when she loose that ball. She was determined that nobody will pass her! And if they did she will chase them down and never give up!"

Now it clicked (So I pull the BB and start writing lol). This determination I now have towards my personal and professional life was way present before I had knowledge to know what 'determination' was!

At times I get discouraged and really do feel like giving up. Like all my work is going unnoticed and everything I do is just in vain. This is when I would hear my 'outta determination' (as I call it lol) which took the form of my best buddy Megan Walrond in the back of my mind say “Doh ever give up Zaki…Keep fighting! You have to take win" Let me say this... Megz is a very 'Determined' young lady!

I meet Kerry John back stage at a show a few months ago and he was like "You still writing?" And I just smiled. He replied “Doh give up Zaki... Keep writing" Orlando Octave gave me the best advice ever! He once told me "Is ok to push... but never to force! Believe in yourself and keep pushing! Don't ever give up!"

These 3 upcoming artistes and others such as Erphaan Alves, social media marketing genius Kenyon Champion, my cousin who is in another country 'all alone' studying to be a doctor and my mother's entire life story… I see determination in them! And they inspire me :)

So to every upcoming writer, artiste, lawyer, doctor, model or doubles vendor, whoever you are and whatever you do or dream of becoming, don't ever give up on ya dreams and aspirations! I know the journey is long and weary, but be determined to rise above adversity, disappointments and failures! It's not about the amount of time one falls, but how often one is determined to pick themselves’ back up and get back on course!

Success would not exist if it wasn't for failure (I'll blog about this at a later date lol) It’s all about ya will power yo! So where did the real inspiration come from to write this blog!!??!! Synergy Soca Star Lein Styles! I have known Lein back when he was Squeely Dan and to me he has been trying 'forever!' He has been booed down, taken advantage of, robbed (the list goes on and on). I know about people that told him to his face to “Quit on Soca!' Seeing him now well advanced in age and 'ripping' up Synergy TV’s Soca Star Stage week after week made me exclaim “Determination is a hell of a thing!”

Win lose or draw, he's already a winner in my books for never quitting! Take a listen of his songs here: Ah missin it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE0IToz-ZOw and Carnival Time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHGkpU2UtaA&feature=related

Keep Pushing


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