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Writer, poet, dramatist and actor with a passion for performing!

Saturday 21 January 2012


I am illuminated
I search the heart of men with my third eye
I wish I could paint a perfect picture of these things I spy
In the spiritual realm iSmile, in the physical I cry
Constructing pyramids and configuring money schemes in my dreams until I die
I may never reach my zenith but I at least I tried
I have been growing my wings ... In time I would fly!
I soar high, but I am not afraid to lose my wings and drop from these skies
iSmile similar to Mona Lisa's smile
A smirk to cover the greatest lie I ever told ... “iZaki is alright!”
Give me a microphone and turn on these stage lights
But it is becoming a little too bright in here, all this glare is making me lose sight!

I am far from reality
iSmile at my enemies
How could I bless those that wrongly persecute me?
I am growing tired of her solitary tendencies, weary of her harmonies
A voice that once motivated me has me questioning my ability

iCare ... iSwear I am moved by her melodies
I hate how you are making me feel presently
You know that I am scared of lonely
My presence is a gift, iSmile for this pain would not last an eternity
iSmile at the thought that we could exist in beyond and infinity
I strongly believed I am not from this galaxy
Over powered by my sensitivity, iSmile as I am comforted by Christianity

I am different , I am foreign
iSmile because I am unorthodox
iLaugh at my foolish paradox
Inside my mind holds knowledge similar to that of Pandora's Box!
My mind is sharp like a razor, as my thoughts could get you cut

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