About Me

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Writer, poet, dramatist and actor with a passion for performing!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Without Apology

Some call me rude, aggressive and even eccentric
My allure is poetic
My flow is automatic
My words are illimatic
I AM in a trance, ignoring all ethics
It is true I have been broken but I remain bionic
I AM a Martian
I am from another planet
I AM to advance for this era
I AM viewing my life in HD, while you are still feeling X-Tatik
I AM futuristic
This comes effortlessly
It is not that hard, blame it on heuristics
Without apology
Once it gets in my veins and begins to take over my soul it becomes chaotic
It is chronic
It is like my vital supply and tunic
It keeps me going, even if you don't understand or accept it

I AM in constant battle with my nurture and my nature
So many things have worked against me
It is surprising I AM not a failure
I AM looking in the mirror and I AM seeing a stranger
Exchange my spiritual pain, for manual labor
My back is against the wall and I AM forced into the corner
I have no other choice but to evolve into the destroyer
Nobody understands me
As my pen becomes my comforter
As my words alter society's normal structure
Making the rules as i go along
I AM the President, Prime Minister and young dictator
I do this from my heart
As not even the sharpest sword could puncture
I AM like a Lycran, for my freedom
I will devour the equator
But in your eyes I AM only a troubled teenager

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